Monday, February 28, 2005

The most important thing you have to ask yourself as you're writing your screenplay is 'does it need more poop jokes?', but in the end it's all about the structure. Always remember:
1. Setup.
2. Poop jokes.
3. Climax.
4. Dénouement.
Go get 'em, kids!

I'm really disappointed that I didn't get to see Prince Rogers Nelson give an Oscar to Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Anyway, congratulations to all the winners.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

As Homer Simpson would say: "sleep is for the weak".

There were so many wadded up Kleenex (Kleeni?) on the floor next to my bed that the rug looked like a float from the Rose Parade.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

I had a dream last night where I was out in the side yard, and there was this little neighbor kid who started following me around. He was about four years old. I didn’t know him, but I think his family had just moved in up the street. The kid wanted to play so we started throwing this lump of dirt around, but I wasn’t sure that was such a good idea so I found some plastic balls that were half buried back by the garage, and we played with them—three orange balls and two blue ones. They kept changing size.
The kid knew my name but I didn’t know his. I asked him what his name was and he said, “Jordan”.
I said, “What’s your full name?”
The kid said, “Jordan Rivers.”
It was only after I woke up that I realized he had given me a joke name.

I've got one of them sickness things. The nose is running, the head is hurting, and I go cough cough cough. To make matters worse, my box of Kleenex wants me to by Aladdin on DVD. Can you believe it? Is nothing sacred? I must stay strong. I'm gettin' better. I'm sure I'll be back to my old cognitive drip in a couple days.
Oh yeah, I can't sleep.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Good night, gung-ho iguana.

Dan O'Herlihy died last week. He played Grig in the Last Starfighter. I remember seeing it in the theaters. I think there was a Return of the Jedi trailer attached to it. Starfighter’s pretty solid in a goofy 80’s sci-fi movie kind of way. The only part I actually remember seeing in the theater is the part when they show Beta’s pulsating face as he’s turning into Alex Rogan’s double. That part kind of freaked me out. I was only 6. You know, alright? Obviously, I never knew the name of the actor who played Grig because I always thought he was black. I guess I kind of figured Louis Gossett Jr. was under that make-up. It was pretty similar make-up.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Look what Nicholas jr. did in Illustrator today.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Happy birthday, Matt Groening.
Thank you for the man-eating anteaters.

Monday, February 14, 2005


Working on learning Illustrator. I know the basic tools, so now it's just a matter of finding which order to use them in to get the results I want. I've got this huge pile of sketches that I've done over the last few weeks. Over the past few months I've been drawing in sketchbooks but lately I've been back to drawing on printer paper (because it's easier to scan into the computer). I'd forgotten how satisfying a nice big pile of sketches can be. Let's hear it for the big pile of sketches. I have a big problem going from sketches to finished work. I need to make some nice illustrations and paintings. I mean, really, get off your ass, kid. I've also got a bunch of half-ass comic ideas that I need to flesh out. I mean, damn, I've got this good gag from when Ronald Reagan died that I should really put down on paper, right? I've been reading Eddie Campbell's "Alec: How To Be An Artist" which I do every time I get the itch to make comics. I never end up making any comics, but it's a hell of a book. You should all read it.

Listening to: Joan Osborne's Relish.

Is this your card?

Friday, February 11, 2005

AIR day. Got to mop the floor and answer the phone. My two favorite things. Finally executed a bird print that had been swimming around in my head for awhile. My first reaction was that it's nothing special but I know my first reactions and they aren't worth anything. The composition is sound, but I've been drawing this picture over and over and over for the last month or so, so it should be pretty good, right? The color combination came out a little, I want to say 'fey' but I don't think that's the right word so I'll say 'weak'. Color is my major weakness. Overall, it has a kind of spring, Easter, Valentine's Day vibe. On to the next one.
In the name of full disclosure I think you should know that I've been drawing a bunch of freaky shit lately. A lot of freaky naked shit. Pages and pages of freaky naked shit. I just thought you should know.

Listening to: Journey's Greatest Hits (Tape Dub).
On deck: Nash Kato's Debutante.
In the hole: Neil Diamond's Tap Root Manuscript.
Go iTunes Party Shuffle.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Yo-Yo Ma's Trampoline.

Drawing, drawing, drawing.
Not getting anywhere.
My brain is empty.
Stupid brain.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Lets make some comics.
Who's with me?

Sunday, February 06, 2005

No, no, no.
I need a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man outfit.

Dude. Dude. Dude!
Ernie Hudson is going to be at the Pittsburgh Comicon.
Ernie Freakin' Hudson.
You know, in the past I would go to the comicon and I'd see people dressed like Ghostbusters and I would kind of wonder why the hell they were dressed like Ghostbusters but you know what? Those people are going to be freakin' out this year 'coz Earnie Freakin' Hudson is gonna be there.
Shit, I need a Ghostbusters costume.