Wednesday, May 30, 2007

AIR's got a tent or something at the Arts Festival this weekend. We'll be rockin' it from 12-8 on Saturday and from 12-5 on Sunday. I'll probably be down there for all of it because I'm crazy like that. Come on by and harass us. There'll be some kind of printing doer for you to, uh, do, or something. Who knows. Do I look like I know what's going on?

Monday, May 21, 2007

The worst thing about them making movies based on Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials books isn't that they look totally uninspired, no, the worst thing is that, after the movies exist, I won't feel that I can name one of my daughters Serafina Pekkala Fredland like I wanted. We would've called her sunscreen because her initials would've been SPF.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I turn 29 in five hours. Or have I been 29 for an hour? I'm never sure how this work. I guess I consider my birthday to be from 6:02 am until midnight, and the first six hours and two minutes of May 12th to be some sort of birthday limbo.

Monday, May 07, 2007

There was a platter with a bunch of different kinds of food on it, mostly fruits and vegetables. We were eating them in pairs trying to find combinations that tasted good. Blueberries and water chestnuts was not one of the successful pairs.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

This shall be an exciting Week In Review post! It shall be awesome in it's rapid firedness. Go! Go! Go! Cut down a tree. Pinch hit at open studio on Tuesday night. Sat at AIR table and wandered around the Warhol during the Youth Invasion on Friday night. Drank a concoction of rainbow sherbet and blue Kool-Aid that was quite beautiful on the top but a sickening shade of green on the bottom. Made a button. Bought a shirt. Drank a beer. Sat on the stoop and listened to crazy stories. Realized that my fingertips don't hurt when I play the guitar. Go, calluses! Got a couple free comics. Read The Wonderful World of Kim Pine. Hit a couple buckets of balls. Realized that they're all just wedges. Got a bunch of blisters. Got sleepy.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Oh, my god. A Republican congressman just compared the United States "winning" in Iraq to the Confederacy winning the Civil War. He stood on the floor of the House and declared his support for the Confederacy. Another freedom loving Republican, eh? I didn't think anyone would be able to top the offensiveness of another congressman's earlier tortured analogy comparing the conflict in Iraq to a baseball game, but somebody did. Kudos. Let me try and raise the level of discourse a little: the Republicans are total dumbshits. Amen.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I think everyone should send George Tenet a medal. If you don't have any laying around the house, find something shiny, attach a ribbon to it, and send it off. He'll love you for it.