Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hey, hey, hey.

These things have nothing in common.

You know those parts in the Cosby Show where large portions of the Huxtable's (hey, I spelled Huxtable correctly!) would lip sync to a song? I always loved those parts. I hope to do that with my children some day.

My brother and I finally got out to see Zodiac in real life (it turns out there isn't anything about breastfeeding. Bummer, right?). Amazing movie. Yeah, it was long. Yeah, some of it was squirm inducingly graphic, but it's a rock solid piece of filmmaking. Great acting, great directing. Just all around top notch.

I've been playing the guitar again. It's amazing, after months and months of not playing, how many songs are still in my hand. I just wish I still had calluses on my fingers.

The story they filmed about AIR is going to, uh, air on Tuesday's broadcast of OnQ on WQED (along with a story about bizarre beasts!). That's Tuesday at 7:30 on WQED. Check it out. I wasn't there when they filmed it so I won't be lurking in the background but don't let that stop you from checking it out.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Marc Singer is at the Pittsburgh Comicon this weekend. Is it too late to whip up some sort of V costume? I guess it wouldn't be too hard to whip up a Beastmaster costume but that just wouldn't be the same.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

That silly, son of a mother. Trying to lash out against the injustices of the world and killing a holocaust survivor. No kudos for you in the afterworld for that one. But what do I know. According to the wise men on television, I can't really understand the horror of the situation since I don't have a child in college. And, can we do away with the maudlin "today we're all fill in the blank with current victims of tragedy". I'm not a Hokie today. The thing I share in common with the people at Virginia Tech is that I'm human and they're humans. That should be and is all the damn connection I need.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Perry Bible Fellowship has outdone itself with this one.
Best comic ever.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Two things that make me uncomfortable:
1. Success.
2. Failure.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Here's a little video from the Craft Congress.
I am, as always, lurking in the background.

I love Amy Sedaris. I think she and Thomas Haden Church are the greatest living late night talk show guests. Ms. Sedaris was glorious in her guest spot on the final episode of Andy Barker P.I. tonight. I'm not even going to try to figure out how NBC makes it's decisions on which shows to can. Actually, NBC is lucky I watch any of their shows. I've never really forgiven them for canceling Freaks And Geeks.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I don't see myself going to any more Pirate games anytime soon, but if I did I'd take a sign that said something like "I'm getting Nutting for Christmas 'cus I ain't been Nutting but bad" or maybe "Nuttingsgonnastandinmyway(again)".

Thursday, April 12, 2007

There's only one place to go after a game like that: ThePensblog.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yes, it's that time of year again. Play along at home. It's fun and easy!
1. Little kids.
2. Couch.
3. No adults.
4. Official rules.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

1. Going to birthday parties is cool.
2. This is cool.
3. Edward Powell is cool.
4. I went to the opening of the Pitt studio arts student show today.
5. I'm not sure how cool that is.
6. There's a piece by Don Simpson in it which is cool.
7. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My brother and I were at a showing of Zodiac. The movie was good but filled with strange little detours and digressions. The biggest head scratcher was the section of the film set at a pool party that featured a cameo by Jennifer Garner where Fincher laid out his views about breastfeeding.

The Twins win the prize for coolest baseball team.
Craig Finn does Take Me Out To The Ball Game.

edit: For all you Hold Steady completists out there, you can download the song from their MySpace page.

Monday, April 02, 2007

There was a Craft Congress in Pittsburgh this weekend, and they had a little shindig on Saturday night at AIR. We had them printing donkeys because you have keep people occupied or who knows what kind of mischief they'll get into. I ate a cupcake.