Saturday, May 05, 2007

This shall be an exciting Week In Review post! It shall be awesome in it's rapid firedness. Go! Go! Go! Cut down a tree. Pinch hit at open studio on Tuesday night. Sat at AIR table and wandered around the Warhol during the Youth Invasion on Friday night. Drank a concoction of rainbow sherbet and blue Kool-Aid that was quite beautiful on the top but a sickening shade of green on the bottom. Made a button. Bought a shirt. Drank a beer. Sat on the stoop and listened to crazy stories. Realized that my fingertips don't hurt when I play the guitar. Go, calluses! Got a couple free comics. Read The Wonderful World of Kim Pine. Hit a couple buckets of balls. Realized that they're all just wedges. Got a bunch of blisters. Got sleepy.

1 comment:

S said...

were you able to restrain yourself from leaping up and smooching weird paul right on stage? (was there a stage?)