Monday, February 14, 2005


Working on learning Illustrator. I know the basic tools, so now it's just a matter of finding which order to use them in to get the results I want. I've got this huge pile of sketches that I've done over the last few weeks. Over the past few months I've been drawing in sketchbooks but lately I've been back to drawing on printer paper (because it's easier to scan into the computer). I'd forgotten how satisfying a nice big pile of sketches can be. Let's hear it for the big pile of sketches. I have a big problem going from sketches to finished work. I need to make some nice illustrations and paintings. I mean, really, get off your ass, kid. I've also got a bunch of half-ass comic ideas that I need to flesh out. I mean, damn, I've got this good gag from when Ronald Reagan died that I should really put down on paper, right? I've been reading Eddie Campbell's "Alec: How To Be An Artist" which I do every time I get the itch to make comics. I never end up making any comics, but it's a hell of a book. You should all read it.

Listening to: Joan Osborne's Relish.

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