Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I thought it was a very interesting choice to have him be a robot instead of a cowboy, but I think it was the right decision. He was much more sympathetic than in the comic. The beginning is pure poetry. I could've watched a whole movie of just Wall•E silently cleaning up. There's a point in the middle where it changes directions and I had to make a conscious decision to go along with them and not think about it, but it all paid off beautifully. My only quibble would be to ask why Eve is so violent when she shows up? Jeez. Also, that short was hella violent. But the kids seemed to like it. Fred Willard looked so REAL. How'd they do that?

Excellent work, boys and girls.


Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

Also, $6.75 for "bargain" matinee, really?

z. marie said...

So you're saying I should see it? Even though the short may be too violent for me to deal with?

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

You like violence.
Definitely worth seeing.
And there was a preview for this singing chihuahua movie...

z. marie said...

Singing chihuahuas = good or bad?

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

Singing chihuahuas = hell on earth