Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I don't think I'm over the sticker shock of that $6.75 "bargain" matinee Wall•E ticket. Yeah, it was totally worth it, but, good heavens. I'd really like to get into the habit of going to the Maxi-Saver more often. C'mon, 99¢ for a movie. You can't beat that. I should really start seeing everything that goes there. There are currently 14 movies showing. That's only $13.86 to see all of them Yeah, you're going to get some clunkers. You're going to get some that'll make you pray for death, but come on! 99¢!

1 comment:

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

The Incredible Hulk and The Happening both are going to make the Maxi-Saver less than a month after release. Never a good sign.