Sunday, April 02, 2006

I'm just now fully recovered from Friday's AIR10 birthday party and its 2:1 beer to cupcake ratio. Those were some mighty fine cupcakes. It was raining as I set off for Pittsburgh's historic North Side but it stopped soon after I arrived, and, through powers no mortal can understand, we were graced by a stunning rainbow. Then I started drinking, and I was pretty tired, so everything after that is a blur. I think I saw Mike Budai play a game of pin the tail on the donkey that was so engrossing I forgot to take any pictures. Around this point I was given the nickname 'Scott' by Bill 'Buffalo Bill' Rodgers, but this is a family blog so I can't go into all the details.

Someone made the very wise decision to get, instead of a clown, a balloon artist who made some crazy good balloon creations including a balloon chicken hat.

The musical highlight of the night was when Smells Like Gina played a sweet set while the Matrix played on the wall behind them. Their set featured a broken string and a drum pedal malfunction that were covered up by an improvised song about changing a broken string and some human beatboxing. I bought one of their patches after the show.

Then things got really wild. The streamers came crashing down, all those years of Little League came through as I destroyed a pinata, helium was inhaled, fingers were magically inserted up noses, and can after can of Pabst Blue Ribbon was consumed. All in all an awesome night and I'm probably forgetting a ton of stuff. In the end I went home with a tiny cake. Good times.

Happy birthday, Artists Image Resource.


Unknown said...

you drank beer?

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

Yes, but I didn't inhale.

Alcuin Bramerton said...

Why destroy a pinata? That's the kind of thing George Bush has been doing in Iraq.

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

But unlike Iraq there really was candy and little prizes inside the pinata.