Wednesday, October 26, 2005

All week I've been trying to remember the name of a girl I went to school with. We used to talk in class and we bonded over our mutual love of free food. By chance, we ended up hanging out a couple times at the Three Rivers Arts Festival a couple years ago. Unfortunately, I lost her phone number in a tragic filing mishap.

I totally have a system when I can't remember someone's name. I clear my head, think about the person, and slowly run through the alphabet. 99% of the time this works. Sadly, there are a few flaws in it. The major flaw being it doesn't seem to work for people whose names start with 'm' or 'n', don't ask me why.

I run her through the system but come up blank.

Luckily, there's a happy ending. While driving to work last night, I flipped on 3WS in the middle of a Rod Stewart song. Rod's singing about playing pool or going back to school or something.

Suddenly it hits me.

Her name is Margaret.

Thank you, Rod Stewart.


Anonymous said...

so what, no comment about kelly? c'mon, you can do better than that... what do you think about the idea of you and her dating??

ps. none of this is a joke. seriously.

Unknown said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand i have no control over my friends. awesome.

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

Juli, I guess I can appreciate what you’re trying to do but I really have to question the way you’re going about it. Yes, you’ve played a brilliant gambit if the reason I’ve never asked Kelly out is because I’m too shy or fear possible rejection, but what if the reason is that I don’t want to go out with her? How do I, a sweet guy underneath it all, say that without looking and feeling like a total bastard?

Unknown said...

it's cool. just chill. you're not a bastard.

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

I'm a total bastard. You take that back.

Unknown said...

you're strange...

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

I can't argue with that one.

I could really go for some soup and crackers.