Thursday, March 03, 2005

  • Today I recorded three Patsy Cline songs with my sister. She sang and I played guitar. I haven’t been playing much lately and there were no calluses on my fingers. My fingers were hurting like crazy. We got through it and the songs sound pretty good. We ended up having to have this crazy hook up to get the recordings off her Mini-disc player and onto my computer. There was an old record player involved. It was nuts.

  • I’m not really sick anymore but I don’t think this cough is going away anytime soon. Nothing like a good lingering illness, right? The worst part about when I was really sick was that I couldn’t listen to music without my head hurting. I listen to too much music. I know I should turn the music off and work in silence more often. I think better in silence. But, you see, I’ve got this system worked out in iTunes and I like watching the songs move in and out of their different playlists. Yeah, I’m a dork. I’ve got all my songs rated. I have my five star songs go out of circulation for a week. Four star songs for a month. Three star for three months. Two star for six months, and one star go into the One Star Purgatory playlist and don’t get played. All the five, four, three, and two star playlists feed into a bigger one along with a playlist of songs that have never been played or have only been played once. Unrated songs get fed in too. I switch between listening to the big playlist (named 0-1-2-3-4-5), a playlist of both the four star and five star songs (named PARTY!), and just individual star lists (sometimes I feel like listening to four star songs). It all makes for a pretty good mix of music. I get to hear the songs I like the most more often, but at the same time enough three and two star songs come through to make it interesting. Of course, I spend a lot of time listening to whatever three or four albums I’m really into at the moment (currently Nash Kato’s Debutante, Joan Osborne’s Relish, and a live recording of a Local H show from new years eve) or the individual songs I'm really into (currently Do the Vampire by Superdrag, Pensacola by Joan Osborne, and Debutante by Nash Kato). Wait, what were we talking about?

  • This month we get the Incredibles on dvd and Flight Volume Two. Pretty sweet.

  • We are plotting world domination through screenplay writing. If only we would finish a screenplay.

  • Remember when 11:00 pm was really late at night?

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