Thursday, March 03, 2005

I just overcame this major hurdle and finally banged out a nearly complete outline for my screenplay (Yes, I’m writing a screenplay. Shut up.). There was this part at the beginning that I couldn't figure out but yesterday my mother and I were stuck behind this school bus as it was dropping off kids and everything came together (the first scene is a school bus dropping off kids). I realized that I needed to have the kid who is the main character get dropped off the next day too. Just about everything fell into place after that. It's freaky. I know I have to tighten up the ending and there are still a couple things I have to figure out exactly where they go, but for the most part it's there. Now that the hard part is over I can get on with the hard part of actually writing it. I've been trying to figure this story out for years (Yes, I’m really slow. Shut up.). It feels really weird to have it all right here in front of me. I should make a back up copy. I should print it out. I should definitely print it out. And, no, there won't be any poop jokes in it.

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