Saturday, January 19, 2008

Yesterday was my grandma's 79th birthday. We did our normal, last minute Chinese food and lots of cakes. My sister is in town so we worked up a little act with her singing and me on the guitar. After the opening act of my cousin breaking a kitchen light fixture with a stool, we performed a mostly well received set of Patsy Cline, random Peter, Paul, and Mary songs, and my sisters "hit", Over The Rainbow. We also did an epic version of Lyin' Eyes at grandma's request. The end fizzled because we didn't have a slam bang ending. Well, we had Suspicious Minds, but for some reason we were hesitant to do it. Oh well.

I think the fact that we were sitting by the door in the kitchen and a bunch of little kids kept going in and out from the cold only added to the occasion. At one point, our youngest cousin tried to go out into the freezing cold without shoes or a coat and got royally hollered at, but we kept on "rocking". Good times.

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