Wednesday, January 02, 2008

"We can't rewind. We've gone too far."

Happy New Year. I spent New Year's Eve cleaning the attic, making it livable again. I did break for about an half hour to watch the ball rise in downtown Pittsburgh. Then it was right back to work. Usually, I'm all about the end of year best of lists and resolutions, but this year my resolution is to not waste anything, so no looking back and no wishing for the future. Take everything as it comes, and if something needs to be done just do it and get it over with. But even stating that breaks the spirit of it. I can't win.

I went through a couple piles of stuff in the attic that hadn't been touched in a few years. A lot of old life drawings and school notes are going to be recycled. I dug up a bunch of old art supplies. I really want to start painting again. I've found some interesting artifacts, a print I forgot I made, and tons of drawings that still amuse me and will probably find their way onto t-shirts.

Anyway, life continues.

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