Thursday, November 01, 2007

So, yeah, Halloween. I think it was slightly better than the last few years. The weather was perfect. My mother got a bunch of candy so I wasn't forced to get creative with the treats (my backup was individual latex gloves. "Take two, kids!"). Trick or treating in Mt. Lebanon is officially from 6-8 (although I don't know what they do to you if you get caught out after 8 o'clock. Probably something unspeakable...).

The main barrage of kids from the street happened a little after 6:00 while it was still light out, so there was an E.T. vibe (which is good, I guess). After that it was kind of sad for awhile. It was getting cold so I went inside after a bit. Come to think of it, I pretty much gave up around 7:00, but I wandered back down and caught the last three groups who were pretty amusing.

The first of the last was this adorable group of little kids. Really little kids. The kind of kids who haven't quite got the hang of what order they're supposed to say "trick or treat" and "thank you", but when they were prompted by their mothers they each went into the whole "smell my feet" version with great passion. It was very cute.

The second to last group was a lone girl. She was totally alone and moving very fast. She had a very impressive haul. She is my hero.

The last group was the only other group to be out without parental supervision. It was the girl who lives nextdoor, a girl who lives up the street, and one of their friends. There was giggling instead of saying "trick or treat". Actually, there was a lot of giggling on that one.

I think that's all. My computer says it's November. That can't be right.

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