Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lets see if I can give a taste of what I was going through last night. The headache was finally gone, but the coughing and the mucus were in ascension. Maybe slept for an hour between 2:00-3:00 am. Maybe slept for another hour. Maybe not. Had a dream where we were back driving through the mountains in Arizona. We were lost. I had the brilliant idea to turn the clock in the car back an hour so no one would know how lost we were. It makes sense when you're delirious. After more coughing and mucus creation, I dragged myself out of bed because I had to pee. While I was in the bathroom I decided I'd had enough, so I took some cold medicine. I've been raised to not use over the counter medication. I really need to break that hang-up. When I got back into bed the clock read 4:49, and I had an epiphany that it said "chang". I knew that my life's work would be spreading this message through the world. At this point I also composed a much better and more concise version of this post in my head. The cold medicine did reduce the frequency of my coughing fits and the amount of mucus, but it also made my head feel kinda funny. I think I managed to fall asleep around 8:00 am. I am greatly looking forward to no longer being sick.


Unknown said...

Group using a loop
Of another pop group
Completing the cycle
Until the teenage maniacs
They'll bring it all back

z. marie said...

I feel so guilty.

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

I feel better!