Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Happy belated, What I did On The Weekend post. On Friday I went to AIR and had plans to meet Sarah at the Warhol at 7:00. While at AIR I chatted with Sarah and we pushed our meeting back until 7:30, so I could go to the opening at the Center For The Arts at 5:30. Rode over there with Bill. It was a decent show. There was really good food. It was a star studded affair. I talked to Nathan Mazur, who I went to AIP with and hadn't seen in probably eight years (and totally didn't recognize). I also saw Sally Wiggin, and Michelle Wright. They were there because one of the artists in the show works at WTAE. The oddest point of the night was when I was standing in front of one of the guy's quilts and the artist was standing to my right talking about the piece with Sally Wiggin. Weird.

Anyway, by the time we got back to the North Side and I drove over to the Warhol and found a parking space (u-turn, ho!) it was 8:00. Luckily, I was rocking the membership card and didn't have to debate blowing admission to find out that Sarah hadn't stuck around. It turns out that although neither of us thought the other one was there we ended up bumping into each other in the eugenics exhibit. The eugenics exhibit is so soul crushingly depressing. I made it about half way through before I just had to get out. Luckily, the Warhol museum has florescent cows to help cheer you up and strange covered pieces of foam to relax on.

The rest of the weekend was spent watching tv. Saturday was hockey and the King Kong remake (so, so bad. I think Peter Jackson is going to find himself on the people who shouldn't be allowed to make movies list). Sunday was more hockey and the Super Bowl.

That was my weekend.

And while I'm at it, Monday was drawing, drawing, drawing.


Unknown said...

you got a wacom tablet?! no fair.

and also, to keep track of sarah, it's a good idea to have a cell phone -- hint hint. although, even with a cell phone she is near impossible to track down at times...

also, what are you doing this coming weekend?

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

1. I've had a wacom for years, but I haven't been able to use it with my computer for awhile.

2. Cell phones are the devil.

3. Stuff.

z. marie said...

Peter Jackson 'might' have to go on the list? 'MIGHT'???? He's already on mine. Right after Martin Scorsese.

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

You're right. My list looks like this:
1. George Lucas
2. Martin Scorsese
3. Peter Jackson
4. Jared Hess
5. Mark Steven Jackson