Sunday, January 28, 2007

I can't decided if I should start by saying "I can't believe January is almost over" or "I'm happy January is almost over". I'm not sure either statment is true. Anyway, it's been a strange month, or I've been strange this month, or something.

Here's what I did this weekend. AIR on Friday. I sorted the last of the Hawaii prints from this summer into sets. Then I walked into town for the Gallery Crawl, but I wasn't able to hook up with my people so I wandered aimlessly alone. That's not really true. I saw a bunch of people I know. I even talked to some of them (sorry people I know but didn't talk to. It's not you. It's me). My favorite piece was Morgan Cahn's Untitled at Future Tenants. It's a drawing she made when she was six that had the caption, "One day i was walking in the park and I saw a box. I said wow". There was a bunch of good stuff out there but that was the one that put the biggest smile on my face. There's a lot of really cool and creepy stuff at Space. It's definitely something to check out.

Saturday was another installment of AIR at the Children's Museum. We were doing our famous screenprinted portraits with under painting. We are a well oiled machine.

Today I made myself a really good egg sandwich on rye bread.

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