Saturday, December 30, 2006

This shall be the Christmas Day post. It probably won't be as long as the Christmas Eve one (maybe it will!). Woke up late (7:30!). Went back to sleep. Got out of bed at 8:30 filled with CHRISTMAS JOY. I went downstairs and discovered that only my mother was awake. I plugged in the tree and sat on the couch, basking in the glow. Waited, but no one else got up. Decided to take a shower because I knew that, with everyone home, hot water would be at a premium. Showered, dressed, and returned to the couch. Still no signs of anybody. I decided to see if I could get myself and the twenty questions game my sister got the night before on the same page. Finally succeeded (I was thinking of pants!).

Eventually, everyone woke up and we opened presents. I got some candy, a thermometer, a toy dart gun, a random issue of a painting magazine, a Popeye book, a book to help me meditate, season one of Amazing Stories, a pair of knitted pants, season one of Futurama, a sketch book, a couple black shirts, a pair of black pants, random other shirts, season one and two of Arrested Development (season two exchanged later for season three giving me the complete set. Woo!), and an easel.

I got everyone shirts except my mother got a CD and my parents got a framed print. Everyone seemed to like everything. I made all the shirts except my dad got a Pitt shirt and Luke got a really cool Pete Yorn one.

Yes, I said knitted pants. My sister made them. I've learned to watch what I'm joking about around people who knit. When I put them on I feel like half a muppet or a casual pimp. They're pretty awesome.

Then we went to my grandmother's for leftovers and ham. My cousin was wearing the shirt that my aunt got in the grab bag on Christmas Eve. I think it was the first time I've ever seen someone wearing one of my shirts. I hope she doesn't grow out of it too quickly.

After eating, we made our way up Mt. Washington to my other grandmother's for more food and presents. I think I spent most of the night sitting on the couch watching Deal Or No Deal.

Merry Christmas!

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