Sunday, December 10, 2006

This article from today's Post-Gazette is all over the damn place but it cracked me up. I especially enjoyed these numbers:

A poll released Nov. 30 by Zogby International, in partnership with the American Bible Society, found that 72 percent of respondents want television programming to have positive, anti-sex and anti-violence messages -- of that group, 51 percent said it was acceptable for the programming to have biblical messages as well. Just 6 percent said they wanted edgier material, with more violence and teen sex.
The American Bible Society? I think we can be pretty sure that it wasn't quite a representative sample. I would love to see the actual questions. I mean, what percentage would want edgier material with the same amount of violence but more teen sex? Also, anti-sex message? I can understand wanting less sex on tv, but anti-sex? My other question would be what is anti-sex and how do I go about having it?


Unknown said...

and if I were to say to you, "Everybody wang chung tonite!" How would you do it? And who would you do it with?

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

Are you trying to proposition me for anti-sex? Is that legal?

Om said...

American Bible..HAHAHA!