Sunday, October 01, 2006

Yesterday deserves a large post, and, since my hangover has finally subsided, here it comes.

First off was the Pitt game. I hadn't gone to one since they played WVU two Thanksgivings ago. It was an incredibly boring game with some horribly cold and wet weather, but at least they won. Anyway, stuck that out and met up with Kelly afterwards and watched the drumline.

Next, into Oakland where we went for Indian food. I hope you won't think any less of me when I tell you that I got a 1 on the spice scale. Pretty damn tasty though.

Then, off to Greentree. All I have to say is "I also like Star Wars."

Finally, to Friendship for birthday celebrating. People kept giving me alcohol and I kept drinking it. There was an excellent girl to guy ratio, fruity pink shots, and dancing. It was a good time. Thanks to everyone who gave me alcohol, dragged me out onto the dance floor, or felt me up.

When I finally got dropped off at home, my mother was still up (2:00, I think). I would've been so busted if it was ten years ago. We ended up talking until 4:00. Insomnia runs in the family. Am I forgetting anything? A lot of the end of the night was a blur.

Today I fought off a hangover and watched football.

What a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but you hadn't attained the age of 21 ten years ago.