Monday, October 30, 2006

Well, that was some craziness. My parents and I drove down to DC on Saturday to watch my brother run the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday morning. There were so many people. We walked long distances and buzzed around on the Metro, managing to see him a couple times during the race (we waited for him at four different spots, but I only saw him twice). Marathon running isn't the best spectator sport. There's so many of them and they're moving so fast!

It doesn't measure up to what the runners had to endure, but, as spectators, we were on our feet all day and walked quite a few miles ourselves, but the weather was nice. It wasn't too hot in the sun or too cold in the shade. Although, there was a pretty fierce winds at times.

My mother's "Beat Oprah" sign seemed to be a hit. Happily, John was able to overcome his leg cramps and best Oprah's time by four minutes. Way to go, John.

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