Friday, January 20, 2006

Hmmm, the guy who had the heart attack when the Bus fumbled was Terry O'Neil. The head coach of the New York Islanders is Brad Shaw.
Brad Neil O'Terry Shaw.
Brad Neil O'Donnell Terry Shaw.
Neil O'Donnell Terry Bradshaw.


Anonymous said...

An omen arrived yesterday on my cell phone, courtesy of one Mr. Darryl Grandy of Pittsburgh:

"So, I'm driving down to [Duquesne University] now and I just saw Louis Lipps on one street corner waving to Mel Blount, standing on a corner across the street. Unreal."

I ran it by my haruspex, and he said that it looked like a positive sign.

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

Renegade was on the radio earlier tonight...

Anonymous said...

Isn't Renegade always on the radio in Pittsburgh?