Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Five Favorite Things:*
Teevee Show: Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.
Band: The Gin Blossoms. ***
Movie: Network.
Book: The Zoo Where You're Fed To God.
Word: Chum.****

*As of right this second.
**"Did you get that thing I sent ya?"
***Pieces of Night is about to become the first song to be played 100 times in my iTunes.
****As in: "Lets have some fun, chum."


Anonymous said...

I knew that Gin Blossoms album would age well. Try "Allison Road" or "Lost Horizons." Oddly enough, Mulkerin was the first person I knew who really liked them.

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

I'll never look at the Gin Blossoms the same way.