Friday, December 23, 2005

Don't wait until the 23rd to get your tree. Here was my afternoon. Ungodly Traffic. First stop: no trees. Even More Ungodly Traffic. Second stop: no trees. The Most Ungodly Traffic of All. Voice in my head while I'm sitting in Most Ungodly Traffic of All: Give up!. Me: Okay. But I was stuck in the Most Ungodly Traffic of All so I had plenty of time to think about the children--their disappointment on Christmas morning. Their tears. So I kept driving. Third stop: four trees.

Four gloriously stinking trees.

Merry Christmas.


Foilwoman said...

Um, have you checked out the Useless Advice from Useless Men website? They would seem to be right up your alley on all things Christmassy, or all things in general. They're at, and I sense you are a kindred spirit. Me, I'm a female human. I'm Useful.

Nick's Evil Twin Skippy said...

That is an amusing site. Very useful, indeed.

Thank you.