Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I can't function in this kind of heat. Weather.com says it's 91 feeling like 98. I can't take either of those numbers. I'm a big baby. I can't think straight. For the last couple of days I've had the feeling you get right before you get the feeling that you're going to throw-up.

On the bright side, I had a revelation in a dream last night. I was hanging out with one of my favorite comicbook writer/artists and his wife at this comicbook store/restaurant/church (I may be making some of this up as I go). Anyway, in the dream, Hope Larson told me that everything in existence can be explained in shades of pink and teal. At the point in the dream when she told me this there was a kick ass montage sequence that illustrated the point. It all makes perfect sense, trust me. It's all just pink and teal. Spread the word.

The heat has made me crazy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

my couch pillows are pink and teal. i'm not joking.