Saturday, June 11, 2005

Hey, remember my screenplay? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Anyway, I'm aware of my limitations. Going into the writing I figured that I'd write whatever I could, and it would be decent, but that it would be lacking something. And so it was. But I figured I had my Secret Weapon, my little brother, and he'd be able to point out what was missing. He's been back from college for a week and I gave him the screenplay to read a couple days ago but I hadn't heard anything back from him. I was kind of afraid to ask him about it. It he thought it was horrible it would be better to just pretend it never happened.

So, we were hanging around outside earlier and he says, "I read your screenplay". I try to stay calm. He seemed to like it. He didn't say it was awful, anyway. He then goes and gives me a couple points of constructive criticism that go directly to the major problems at the end of the story. It was exactly what I needed to hear. It was exactly the kind of advice I expected him to be able to give me.

It's been over a month since I 'finished' the screenplay. I've known that I needed to add something to the end but I've had absolutely no idea what to add. I couldn't imagine any new scenes. My mind was a total blank. Now I see exactly which direction I need to go. Fragments of scenes keep appearing in my head. I'm not sure what's going to happen but I'm confident that when I sit down and start writing it will all fall into place.

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