Saturday, March 05, 2005

From the great Scott Mccloud:

03/05: I have a nine year-old daughter who dances around the house singing "Blister in the Sun" and an eleven year-old daughter who, when asked for hobbies by her D.A.R.E. councillor (a Bush supporter who muttered a few things about Michael Moore in class -- hardly on topic, Buddy) responded that she liked to talk about "random things", and when asked for examples, mentioned "pointless elevation" leading to the following exchange:

Mr. D.A.R.E.: What do you mean by "pointless elevation?"

My 11-year old: You know like chairs. They don't need to be elevated.

Mr. D.A.R.E.: Ah, but if they weren't, how would we reach our desks?

My 11-year old: Well, the desks don't have to be elevated either.

Mr. D.A.R.E.: What about the dinner table?

My 11-year old: Well, in my hypothetical universe, we'd all eat on the floor. You know, like the Japanese do.

Mr. D.A.R.E.: But what about...? [etc]

It finally ended with D.A.R.E. guy saying "You're good." and moving on to intellects more in his range.

After the D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony, at which my girl politely mouthed the words to "God Bless the USA" -- 'cause the classes put it to a vote and all, though she didn't mouth the "God" part -- I took her aside and made sure she did know that drugs were a colossally bad idea, despite the sub-standard reasoning skills presented by her supposedly all-knowing superiors.

Her response, in a nutshell: "Well, Duh."

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