Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Yesterday was fun. Received my postcards from Moo. I don't think I'd pay $25 for them but the quality is good and the ease of use getting the images off Flickr is phenomenal. I'm not entirely sure about some of my image choices though. Some people may be getting a weird postcard or two in the mail soon.

Voted, which is always a breeze since they know me there.

Later, I went to open studio because DJ Mary Mack was playing and I thought I'd either a) enjoy the crazy party atmosphere, or b) make sure there was at least one person there. It turned out to be a pretty normal night. It was really nice having a DJ. We should do that more often.

Before going to AIR I scrambled to print out the separations for one of my recent illustrations, and, even though I screwed up one of the layers, I was able to get it all together and print a shirt (I seem to be making a "guys walking" t-shirt series. Who knew?). It may be petty, but I always feel I need to wear a shirt I made to Handmade Arcade ("Yeah, you have a table and a lot of stuff, but I made a cool shirt!). I'm such an infant.

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